Advanced USER



You are comfortable with your iPad and feel good about using TrialPad for iPad.  You have also figured out some of the other applications.  You know how to make screen captures, edit them in Photos, and add them to other programs.  Let's add to your presentation repertoire.


Take a try at using Teleprompt +3, a full blown teleprompter.  It is fully explained here, or you can navigate to it at any time by clicking the icon in the Software/Apps link or below.  Practice using your iPhone as a remote control device.  Another way of creating a teleprompt-like device is to take the text of your presentation and add it in large fonts to a series of PowerPoint slides.  Connect your laptop to a monitor and put it low down so only you can see it.  Then using a clicker, advance the slides as you work through the text. 

Anatomy presentation

Because you are now set up wirelessly, you can move around the room and even hand your iPad off to an expert witness to have that person discuss the anatomy of a case by manipulating the Body Anatomy app. Practice with the app in advance so that you know how to remove structures that are in the way of your focus point, highlight areas with the built in pen, and even save the image for printing.  Remember that you can also take screen captures of images in this app and then use those images in other apps or in PowerPoint slides.  

create your own video or capture video using snagit

Try out Snagit.  It is intuitive and easy to work through the menu systems.  Try making your own instructional video using the webcam built into your computer.  Or capture video that is already out there, perhaps on Youtube or Vimeo.  

trial director

At some point you are going to want to learn enough about trial director to know how to: (1) get your documents and video depositions into the program by setting up a new case file; (2) bring an exhibit onto the presentation screen, and create call outs using the tools in the program, (2) create and rename a video clip from a deposition, (3) actually play a video deposition clip in a cross examination setting.  Tom Oakes is a certified trainer in Trial Director and has some great training materials.  It takes a bit of time, but no product that we have found is better for creating an playing synced video deposition clips.

get better at powerpoint

PowerPoint is one of those programs that you can spend a lot of time learning about.  There is such a comprehensive range of options when designing slides.  Pay attention to the presentations you watched that had impact.  Learn how to imbed a video or audio clip.  Study and follow the basic tips for good PowerPoint presentations presented in this website.  

Mix up your presentation media

An experienced presenter does not just rely on one tool.  In a trial I just finished, I used TrialPad wirelessly on my iPad for all document presentation onto a screen, but used Trial Director on a large monitor for video deposition clips.  I had also created treated documents in TrialPad with highlights and callouts, printed those, and had them blown up and mounted on foam core.   I mixed the presentation of these boards up with the presentation of callouts on the screen.  

Use your imagination.  Be versatile, and be confident.  Practice with the technology, but have a backup plan if your computer goes down and you need to buy time until a recess or break.  Having "hard" media, like foam core mounted exhibits, is a great option to fall back on when technology challenges you in a key situation.